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(4-4-2022, Nay Pyi Taw)

Myanmar observed that the adoption of the resolution sponsored by the European Union on 1 April 2022 during the 49th Session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva was unacceptable, due to its non-adherence to the standard procedures of the Council as well as unfounded elements contained in the resolution.

Myanmar observed that the Human Rights Council has spent numerous hours on dialogues based on politically motivated agenda against Myanmar, amidst the serious debates on efficiency measures of the Council due to proliferation of Interactive Dialogues on human rights matters including Myanmar. It is merely the duplication of work at the will of certain sponsors to politically exert pressure on Myanmar rather than the genuine will to pragmatically protect and promote human rights. The essence of genuine dialogue which is the fundamental principle of the Human Rights Council has already been destroyed since the representation of Myanmar has been intentionally and politically left out in the Council meetings.

Myanmar also observed that the consideration of the UPR report submitted by Myanmar was postponed to the 50th session of the Human Right Council to be held in June 2022. It is in contrary to the objectives of the UPR which encourage the full involvement of the country under review in a constructive and non-politicized manner and the principles to ensure universal coverage and equal treatment of all States and to avoid confrontation in the consideration of human rights issues.

The Enhanced Interactive Dialogue on the report of the Secretary-General on Myanmar was taken place on 18 March 2022 which puts undue pressure on UN Country Teams across the world including Myanmar to politicize the profession of different UN agencies under the pretext of mainstreaming human rights with the approach “Call to Action”. Myanmar does not see any necessary guarantee to ensure that “Call to Action” is operationalized in an independent manner while there is no indication how the approach is being funded and whether necessary human resources are properly allocated. Myanmar therefore, does not accept but rejects the unilateral mechanisms which were adopted without the consent of the country.

The Interactive Dialogue with the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights on Myanmar was convened on 21 March 2022. Though the High Commissioner acknowledges the violence committed by the terrorist groups such as CRPH, NUG and PDF, she understated the actual figures and even incited them to further unrest, implying that the terrorist acts by them were at the acceptable level of degree under the banner of “armed resistance groups”. She further ignored the fact that the terrorist groups killed over 2000 innocent civilians including several dozens of children, women, Buddhist monks and nuns as well as educational and healthcare staff. It is found out that the High Commissioner made sweeping allegations against Myanmar’s security forces in connection with the incidents in Pale, Loikaw and Demoso townships. Myanmar has publicly informed about these incidents. While it is essential to fairly reflect the views of the country-concerned, failure of the High Commissioner to present such publicly available information questions her professionalism and integrity.

Again on the same day, another Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar was organized. The Special Rapporteur seems to attach considerable importance to the quantitative aspect, because the figures he described on each occasion are significantly multiplied, doubling the figures of alleged deaths, displacement overnight. The figures he invented were not totally consistent even within the two reports to the same HRC Session. The Special Rapporteur further violates the Code of Conduct which requires him to give the concerned State the opportunity to respond to the allegations made against it, and annex the State’s written summary responses to their reports. The Special Rapporteur also misuses the mandate and invented the so-called conference room paper entitled “Enabling Atrocities: UN Member States’ Arms Transfers to the Myanmar Military”. With the absence of different views which do not follow his narratives, assessments of the Special Rapporteur are obviously imbalanced and biased.

It is also disappointing to see the adoption of the resolution entitled “Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar” tabled by the European Union on 1 April 2022. The contents of the resolution clearly show the level of interference in domestic affairs of a sovereign country with unfounded accusations without any verification. It, therefore, contradicts the basic principles of the Human Rights Council to ensure impartiality, objectivity and non-selectivity in the consideration of human rights issues. While Myanmar maintains friendly relations with all countries in the world, it deplores the intrusive behaviors of certain countries against the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations. Due to the unhelpful approach taken by the sponsors of the resolution and intruding mechanisms and elements contained therein, Myanmar categorically rejects the resolution and dissociates itself from its adoption.

Myanmar takes note with appreciation of the constructive statements made by friendly countries and expresses its gratitude to the countries which dissociated themselves from the adoption of the resolution against Myanmar.

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